Assistant Professor, Department of History, Nicholls State University, Fall 2020-Present.

  • African American History to 1877
    • This course explores African American history from African origins through the Reconstruction period. Rather than use a textbook, the class uses open-access articles from sources like Black Perspectives (the blog of the African American Intellectual History Society) and Smithsonian Magazine, mixed with primary sources. The course emphasizes primary source analysis, classroom discussion, and application of learned material to analysis of contemporary issues.
  • Global History of Pandemics
    • Description: This course examines the global history of pandemics, working backward from the starting point of COVID19 through the Bubonic Plague. Students learn about the etiology of the individual pandemic (including the pathogen, origin, vector, and symptoms); the impact of the pandemic on different places and groups; and the ways that people have responded.

  • History of Louisiana
  • History of Medicine
  • History of Modern Africa
  • History Research Seminar
  • US History to 1877
  • US History Since 1877
  • US History 1900-1945

Adjunct Instructor, Department of History, Loyola University, Fall 2019-Spring 2020.

  • Global History II
  • Louisiana History  

Adjunct Instructor, History Department, University of New Orleans, Fall 2019.

  • Black Healthcare History
    • Description: This class explores the history of Black healthcare in the United States, from the founding of the country through the present. Through this course, we will attempt to provide historical backgrounds to pressing issues for contemporary Black healthcare. We will address the following questions: How has the history of medical apartheid, experimentation, and exploitation affected Black trust in healthcare? How has a history of exclusion led to a severe under-representation of African Americans in higher-paying positions like doctors and surgeons, and over-representation in lower-paying jobs like home health aides? How have African Americans provided healthcare for themselves?
Students in my Black Healthcare History course examine material from the Flint Goodridge Hospital Collection at the Dillard University Archives.

Adjunct Instructor, Department of Africana Studies, Tulane University, Fall 2019.

  • Black Healthcare History

Teaching Assistant, Department of History, Georgetown University, Fall 2016-Spring 2018.

  • African American Women’s History
  • Atlantic History
  • Conflict and Reform: US History 1877-1920
  • Oil and World Power